Saturday, June 15, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

Craig looking up at the size of a land train used to build the Alaska Highway

Famous cinnabuns, they were the 3rd ones that we had, they were the best and the biggest.

Mom, Craig & I climbed down these 328 stairs to Five Finger Rapids. It was great until we came back up. Our calves are SCREAMING at us today.

Five Finger Rapids

Here is the barge that you have to put your vehicles on to cross the Yukon River at Dawson City. It took 15 minutes to load, float, and unload on the other side. It is free and the only way across.

Here is a bear we saw that walked probably a mile or so long the road with us until WE just stopped filming and took off. He was so fun to watch.

This is for the crew at Dr. Mann's. diamond tooth Gerties. Too funny!!

Craig and I outside Diamond TOOTH Gerties.

Dredge buckets at Dawson City. These dredges sure scared the earth....

Mom & Dad at Diamond Tooth Gerties.

The Dredge at Dawson City.

We drove out to the Dredge Nd on the roads there are all these bird houses on tall wood posts. Kinda funny...

This is what the dredges left behind. The dredges traveled about a half mile in 8 months. They dug about 800 oz. a day during the gold rush. WOW!

The ferry again

This moose is on display as we entered Tok, Alaska.

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