Friday, June 14, 2013

Leaving Whitehorse Thursday June 13,2013

We have decided to take a different course. After going to the visitors center in Whitehorse we have decided to go to Dawson City still in the Yukon. It will be an extra 200 miles but we will also see CHICKEN, and TUK so we are hoping to be happy about our change of road. We will probably not make the states until Saturday now. But everything other than expenses of milk, eggs, and gas we are happy campers. At Walmart milk was $5.99 at another store, $8.45. Can you believe it? Gas seems to be a fixed item, no matter where in a town you go, it is all the same. The highest in Canada has been $7.17 the lowest, $3.75. They say as we head to Alaska it will be coming down, with this gas guzzler RV we pray for that! ;) the weather has been nice, the Mosquitos are now out. We had them just piling on top of each other on the outside of our screen at our heads while we slept...or did I sleep?... It is an uneasy feeling with those pests flying around inches away trying to get at you! LOL
Our vehicles have been running great, the Honda doesn't have air conditioning as the belt went out, got to have at least one little glitch? But we will just make do!! Life is happy and we are do well. I went into a McDonalds this morning to get me a soda and a young man was holding his back, I asked him if he had hurt his back, he said, oh just getting old, I said um you are how old? He said he was 28. I laughed, he asked my age, I told him and he stepped back and said oh no you look 40, but it must be that smile that is always on your face, it keeps you young!! He was really amazed to hear Moms age and said he was going to smile and laugh more! 
See you all in the funny papers!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Forget making do, get that AC fixed for crying outloud. It's summertime and nobody wants to be hot and sweaty!!! So fun reading about your travels, thanks for sharing.
